Monday, December 17, 2012

12.14.12. May We Never Forget

I have been glued to the TV as many Americans have been since last Friday morning. For some reason, this tragedy has hit me hard. No, I haven't been crying my eyes out all day everyday in mourning over the loss of 20 young lives and 7 (yes, I included the killer's mom) adult lives. But to an extent this tragedy hits home. I'm not from CT or a teacher or a parent. But I have been a teacher in a first grade classroom; I taught PE to elementary kids. I did that my last two years of high school. During those two years of PEPI (Physical Education Pupil Instructor) I was responsible for those students during my hour or so being in charge of them for their PE period everyday or every other day depending on their elective schedule. I naturally have a protective nature and would have done just as the 6 heroines in Sandy Hook Elementary did. In the elementary building at EWA the two classrooms I taught in were the first on the right and on the left. Had some psycho came into the school, he or she would have had easy access to the students that I taught, including when I could have been in there with them. Kids have a very close place in my heart. I am broken over this tragedy and am praying for the families and community involved.

But I don't want to end this post on such a sad note. There is hope in the middle of this madness. Jesus Christ is only where this hope can be found. Did you know that America is ranked third out of the whole world as far as percentages in the number of lost people? This tragedy shows how desperate America is for the Gospel. I know that God will use this for His glory. Does it make sense? Clearly it does not. But those 20 kids are with Him. They get to celebrate Christmas with the "birthday boy" Himself.

Brothers & sisters in Christ, pray. Pray for the families. Pray for the other students, teachers and staff at Sandy Hook. Pray for Newtown, CT. Pray for our legislatures and representatives who will be making some tough decisions as far as gun control. I know this may sound so small, but the sermon at my church this past weekend was ironically about prayer. And no, my pastor did not plan it that way. God did. Prayer is our biggest tool. It is direct communication with God. I know that if we as a body come together to pray (since most of us cannot make a pilgrimage to CT) God will answer us and He will provide healing for all the hurting hearts in this tragedy.

Use this as an opportunity for the Gospel. America needs the Gospel. This was our wake-up call.

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