"I have a confession to make: I'm addicted to the Gospel. It burns inside of me. And it seems to get hotter every day. I can't stop thinking about it, talking about it, writing about it, reading about it, wrestling with it, reveling in it, standing on it, and thanking God for it. For better or for worse, my focus has become myopic. My passion has become singular. Lesser things don't distract me as easily. I'm not anxious as I used to be. I don't fret over things as much. I'm more relaxed. What others think of me (either good or bad) doesn't matter as much as it used to. I'm enjoying life more. The pressure's off. I'm beginning to understand the length and breadth of the freedom Jesus purchased for me. I'm beginning to realize that the Gospel is way more radical, offensive, liberating, shocking, and counter-intuitive than any of us realize. And that's beginning to be okay with me." ~Tullian Tchividjian, Jesus + Nothing = Everything
This quote was revealed to me today in my Sunday School class today at church. It rocked me. The Gospel is something that I have prayed becomes my passion. It is after all the thing that gives me life. Jesus and what He did for me, you and everyone else gives us all life if we accept it as a gift from Him. The Gospel is what our lives should be lived for. Not a car, house, fat bank account, etc. There is no American Dream in the Bible. But Christ did promise to give us a fulfilling life and through Him that life can be lived to its fullest (John 10:10).
Many people don't want to live for Jesus because it requires us to reject ourselves and everything that we want (Luke 9:23-27; 14:25-33). But honestly, when we live life our way, are we truly satisfied? Have we REALLY attained that level of true happiness? Chances are, your answer is no. Life is not about you, it's not about me, it's not about our economy or gas prices. It's about Jesus.
"You were created by Jesus, for Jesus. And you know that that gives you? Purpose." ~Brody Holloway
LOVE! I pray that the same passion Tullian Tchividjian feels is what I learn through my new found passion for Christ!