Monday, May 14, 2012

Love unconditionally and Preach the Gospel

Colossians 1:7-8

“just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf and has made known to us your love in the Spirit.”

v.7- Life App: Epaphras had founded the church at Colosse while Paul was living in Ephesus (Acts 19:10). Epaphras may have been converted in Ephesus, and then he returned to Colosse, his hometown. For some reason, he visited Rome and, while there, told Paul about the problem within the Colossian heresy. This prompted Paul to write this letter. Epaphras is also mentioned in Philemon 23 (the Colossian church met at Philemon’s house)

ESV: ‘you learned it from Epaphras’ makes it clear that Paul did not plant the church at Colosse. The people heard the gospel from Epaphras who is a fellow Colossian. The term “learned” is closely related to the term “disciple”. More than merely listening to a simple gospel presentation Paul makes it clear that the gospel involves systematic instruction in the faith and how to live as a Christian.

                ‘on your behalf’- The ESV Footnote indicates that some manuscripts read “on our behalf”. If this is the original reading, this would mean that Epaphras has been a faithful ambassador in place of Paul among the Colossians.

HRM: So in v.7 we finally get to find out how the church in Colosse got started. This makes me think about how God has given all of His children certain skills and abilities to reach certain groups of people with the Gospel. He’s also made us to be from certain areas so that we can relate to those people, share the gospel and disciple them. Just like how Epaphras has done in his hometown. I can apply this by reaching people of JoCo; Zebulon; NC; etc. And even the MC community as well.

v.8 Life App: Because of their love for one another, Christians can have an impact that goes far beyond their neighborhoods and communities. Christian love comes from the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). The Bible speaks of it as an action, attitude, not just an emotion. Love is a by-product of our new life in Christ (Romans 5:5, 1 Corinthians 13). Christians have NO excuse for not loving, because Christian love is a decision to act in the best interest of others.

This past week has been a hard week. Loving those around me unconditionally like Christ has been so difficult. Cornhuskin’ is bringing trial after trial after trial. It’s getting ridiculous to be honest. This verse and explanation is good to me. It’s a good reminder that no matter how much someone pisses me off or screws me over, I’m called to love them; even if they don’t seem lovable at that point in time. ‘in the spirit’ my strength to love the unlovable comes from the Holy Spirit. I can’t do it on my own. Christ gives me the strength to do this.

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