Monday, November 29, 2010

We're just like you, only prettier

I hope that y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I would say mine was quite well. I ticked two men off on I-440 because of my driving. However, I didn't do anything wrong. So when the younger one flipped me the bird the other day I wanted to roll down my window and be like "thanks for the offer but you're really not my type" on the other hand, I was going 60mph so he wouldn't have heard me anyway.
My cousins continue to tell me all about their adventures at the Farmhouse. I must say even though they think I really care about hearing about it, I really don't. Especially at a place where I am trying to eat my food. I'm just like you girls, only prettier and care about my integrity!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Let the good times roll

I don't think I have ever spent 7 straight hours with just one friend at MC. Well I did last night or should I say this morning? I went to a girl's room last night at 9pm to watch the new Sarah Palin show on TLC. Last week we didn't get much out of the premier due to the HP marathon on ABC Family. And last night we didn't get to it much due to us catching up on what happened over the weekend since she went home. Well little did I know we would keep the party going til 4am! Now I have stayed up til 4am with her on a Friday night, never on a "school night" hahaha. Thankfully, I don't have class until noon today. This friend and I have not been friends too long and we generally stay up til at least 2am on a general night during the week if we hang out. We're both very relational people and since her roomie is abroad this semester and Corn is over, it seems like a good fit to take up all my free time now haha, building a friendship.

Let the good times roll... due to my communication major and taking my first interpersonal class I know that the one thing in a relationship/friendship w/e you wanna call it that can make or break it is self-disclosure. You may not know what that means but basically it is sharing yourself (the inner self) with the person you are building the relationship with. And this girl does it like EVERY time we hang out, which is quite often. Last night/this morning I got to hear all about her high school experience... which is the reason for the title of this entry, "let the good times roll." I must admit it was very entertaining and I enjoyed it!

As I sit here and write this my roomie is filling me in on some "good times" her lil sis had this weekend over at the  co-ed school across the street. I don't think I need to elaborate much.... a freshmeat at MC over at State... 'nuff said.

I have good times of my own to share, but to know those you'll just have to ask :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!

So I decided to pull a joke on the people of Meredith College and facebook today. I posted that I was transferring to Western Carolina as my status. I got 11 comments and 2 likes within the 2 hours that I had it posted. Due to the immediate effect of everyone freaking out I decided to come on out and be like "JK!"
However, when I came out and said that it was all a joke this lady that is like in her 50s or 60s says that it was a mean joke to pull on my friends. I'm sorry, I have a mischievous streak and some people are just going to have to get over that and deal with it. And you are an older person and should not be concerned with what my facebook posts are! Anyway... I found it all so funny!

So the truth is... I will be a Meredith graduate in 2013 and nothing else :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm just not that into you...

I wish guys would just get the picture when you are trying to be as polite as possible to make it evident that you are just not into them and they are not your type. 

I also think that if you are friends with a Cornhuskin' co-chair and that the co-chair needs to vent then you should be ready and willing to listen even though you may not want to. So warning to all MCGs unless you don't want to hear my opinion relating to CORN, don't ask. And, don't get upset when you walk into a conversation about it. 

I have to give a speech tomorrow morning about CORN. I have not even finished it and have not rehearsed any of it. I actually don't plan on rehearsing it. And hopefully it will be good enough for Spero. Then I will be done with my public speaking class! 

We have a class mtg tmrw night. That should be interesting. The good news is that we can repeal the Corn scores! 

That's all.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello Bloggers!

What's up world?!
My name is Hannah Morgan. Most people say my name as if it was one word. It rolls off the tongue very nicely that way so you can choose to say it that way too. 
I am a MCG- Meredith College Girl. 
I am summer staff at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. I may end up working there after I depart from MereCo in May 2013.
Cornhuskin' is a big deal, and you will hear more about CORN10 soon.
I have five nieces, two half brothers, and a darn good set of parents.
I'm an ODD
I love JC
I can be really funny at times and serious at times.
That's all for now.
peace out!